
Make it go away.

Anytime someone has a criticism of you, or of those related to you, ignore any legitimacies which might exist in their comments and obfuscate (that basically means to confuse, for those who don't know) the subject they bring up by pointing out "unfair" generalities. Do this even if the person who criticized you is someone whom you respect and believe to be usually fair, but confused and frustrated. Avoid considering your own faults and vow to defeat stereotypes; being defensive is the only way to combat a problem which might exist. Make it go away be saying everyone else is worse or has suffered equally.

You might look stupid to reasonable people, but at least your self image is protected.

1 comment:

Becky O said...

I don't know if you read these comments, but I have to say, this made me smile... Although I didn't know there was anything more important then protecting self-image no matter what... this is goodgurl8504 from testriffic by the way...