
Va Tech and the gun control debate

I'm not going to speak about whether or not guns should've been more readily available to Va Tech campus security, etc. In fact, I'm going to go no further on that than to say I'm pro gun. Because there's a time and a place for such discussions. The massacre at Va Tech doesn't have to be a distant memory, it never shall be for too many, but at least a few days should pass before paranoid appearing bickering about there being "too many guns," or about them "taking your guns away" starts. Unfortunately, it hasn't. I understand the public tendency to grow deaf to issues not "relevant" to current events, but it's still rather amoral to make the focus more about what could happen in some hypothetical, than about what must be done. As far as I'm concerned, learning how many were involved with the Va Tech shootings is more important than pre-empting pro and anti gun positions on the incident.

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