
Another Letter to Colmes

Concerning your criticism of Joe Lieberman

From: Bill G.
Sent: Sat 6/21/08 8:14 PM
To: alancolmesradio@foxnews.com

Does your view of Lieberman as a "DINO" extend even back to before he decided to support McCain and run as an independent Democrat, or was it those two choices that brought you to your opinion of him? I ask because I am not sure, though we both disagree with him on this matter, his support for the war makes him anti Democratic, after all, he was in the majority of Senate Democrats (29-21) who voted on H.J.Res. 114, though it can be said that the Democrats are trying to correct that mistake, so he would arguably be against the party platform as things now are. Also, I am unclear on how liberal his record is, or is not, for that matter. I believe that calling him a "DINO" is warranted by his support for McCain, if for no other reason, but I am not sure it is fair to call him one based on his record before that and his choice to run against Lamont and Schlesinger, etc. Does his record support the assertion?

Well, thanks for your time.


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