
I don't like conspiracy theorists.

I know, like the axiom which states absence of proof is not proof of absence, it's not always easy to refute their arguments when compared to that argument pertaining to God, and it's not really my goal to, nor do I assume they're wrong in their main assertions, but my experience with speaking with them on occasion leaves me with the sense that reasonable doubt is not given much consideration. The arguments seem to most often be based in their cynicism and a dubious or terrible level of moral credibility on the part or those they allege to be criminal, usually a government. The conspiracy theorist, taking some fact, usually, and his doubts about the entity he names as the conspirator, argues said entities guilt, sometimes impressively, but he takes it a step further with his theorizing, not simply asking like a dissenter, not demanding answers (as they understandably do), but alleging, which is to me a questionable tactic; is it right to take some facts and understanding beyond the condemnation of behavior to the point of alleging motive and convicting for it, as if any of us are valid courts of law? Even if valid in the end, do the conspiracy theorist's beliefs come from objective reasoning and a search for the truth, or is there an agenda that cannot be applauded by a fair minded person?

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